Interesting facts about india

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A Guide to Indian Education Boards for Parents and Students

Interesting facts about india

Interesting facts about india

In India, there are many education boards, and schools across the country follow any one of them. Each differs in the way education is imparted to the student, so if you want to give your child a specific type of education, then you need to look into the board that corresponds to it. Throughout all the various branches, there is currently a rapid change in the way education is imparted so that your child gets the first knowledge and imbibes the latest skills and abilities.

A Look At Different Indian Education Boards 

Each particular board has its own way of teaching subjects to students. Here is a look at the many Indian educational boards that you need to check before enrolling your child in a school with a board that is suitable for your preferences:

  1. State Board: It follows a regional curriculum and includes the state language as a subject. It gives instructions in English and other languages.

  2. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE): Its syllabus is tougher than that of the state board. Currently, it is carrying out continuous competency testing (CCCE) from standard 6 to 10. Hence, students are tested throughout the year rather than annually. They are also taught sports, art, dance, and music. This board is one of the most interesting facts about india that parents must be aware of as it highly influences their skills and personality.

  3. Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE): Its syllabus shows equal focus on all subjects, and students can also display their preference for the subjects they want to excel in. The medium of instruction is only English, and the key feature here is bringing out positive child development.

  4. The Council for Indonesian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) places emphasis on activity-based learning, which imparts practical skills rather than textbook-based learning. It introduces the learner to more arts and languages and offers a few subjects for study.

  5. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS): It offers regular academic courses, but the key feature is vocational and community-based training, which makes learners job-ready. Through open and distance education programs, a holistic education is imparted to students. Its purpose is to increase literacy across India. This board is one of the facts about India because of the unique way in which it imparts education to students.

  6. Cambridge International Exams: The course for which learners attempt an exam uses unique methods of teaching. It brings out the inner creativity in the child and leans their subject out of the theory that is given in the classroom.

  7. State Board International Baccalaureate: It offers knowledge that is practical and beyond just the theory provided in the text books. Skills imparted enable students to adapt to a global society, so students are imparted personal, emotional, and social skills.
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