PCI DSS Compliance Requirements

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PCI DSS Compliance Requirements for PCI Certification Process

PCI DSS Compliance Requirements

PCI DSS Compliance Requirements

Advancement in science and technology has led to the development of several new software programs which carry out numerous processes which were unthinkable a few years ago. One can say it is easy to develop a software application but incorporating security aspects in its design and development is very important and crucial.

It has become a challenge to safeguard the system against the latest and smart data breaches in this new era. The latest and newly implemented framework can provide full protections different malware. The specialized software vendor develops the software product for making online payments with higher security features. This also ensures that the payment is secured, and the cardholder’s data is not compromised.

Need for having PCI DSS compliance:

An emerging business owner needs a specialized software vendor who would help them design a safe online payment system. The software developer needs to file for compliance for the product application. If the application is non-compliant with the standards, then there are chances of occurrence of fraud and can lead to a major fine.Every small business owner who hires the software vendor should ensure that they complete the process of certification and hold a valid PACI DSS certificate.They are of great importance in today’s world where there is an increasing number of cyber-attacks or cyber frauds and breaches.

The PCI DSS compliance consists of analysis carried through audit helps to determine if the components of the IS like the safeguarding assets, maintenance of data integrity are working effectively. The compliance will help the organization in achieving its goals and overall objectives.

PCI DSS Compliance Requirements

For any organization, they must retain their customer's or client’s trust and confidence in them. To have trust on the payment system, it is necessary for the merchants to comply with PCI DSS Compliance requirements. Following are the requirements necessary for PCI DSS certification. Basically, there are 12 requirements necessary for the compliance that are below enlisted:

Proper installation and maintenance of protective fire wall with adequate configuration to safeguard cardholder data.

Avoid using vendor-supplied system passwords and other security parameters.

Secure stored cardholder data.

Encode broadcasting of cardholder data through open, public networks.

Anti-virus software updating and checking regularly

Design and Maintain secured systems and applications.

Assign ID and control physical and virtual access to cardholder data.

Monitor every access to cardholder data and network resources

Conduct security systems and processes virus tests regular.

Information security must be addressed by maintaining a policy

When it comes to compliance, every business needs to assess their compliance through the above- mentioned cyber security requirements, mitigate vulnerabilities if any and report compliance status to PCI that they work with.

PCI assessment need to followed year after year as the council updates the PCI compliance requirements often. So, check on their website and confirm your name is listed in the PCI compliance list. An independent auditor should be deployed for medium and large merchants and required to assess their PCI compliance every year.

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